Tuesday, May 15, 2012

This stories famous in Malaysia about a long time ago. A soul and body that illegitimate from heaven that on edge on this earth that wander around called pocong. We heard this stories from the elderly, people around us and other's friend. Y...ears ago, there's some group of teenagers go to camping while holiday. Andy, Azrul, Bryan, and Jordan reach the forest called Bukit Sinundu without knowing anything about this place. They lost in that big forest but they brush aside that situation and build a camp and enjoy at the night. Suddenly the pocong appear. They came together but no one's save. The group of teenagers disappear in the forest that night.

Monday, May 14, 2012


In this article, we can see there is a family life in United States changing. They call wife as housewife thirty years ago. As a wife she must cleaned, cooked. And care for the children. But these day wife or women work outside the home, they cannot stay with children all day, cannot cleaned the house, cannot cooked and don’t have time to take care for children. So many families want to solve the problem. They sharing the housework, husband and wife agree to do different jobs around house. Then the children families will get help with grandparents, now families usually do not live near their relatives the grandparents often too far away to help in regular way. Parents may get another help from companies now let people with children work part-time, which way parents get time with the children. These changes in the home mean changing in the family. Father can learn to understand their children better and the children know their father better.



The film begins with the sentencing of Jean-Baptiste Grenouille (Ben Whishaw), a notorious murderer. Between the reading of the sentence and the execution, the story of his life is told in flashback, beginning with his abandonment at birth in a French fish market. Raised in an orphanage, Grenouille grows into a strangely detached boy with a superhuman sense of smell. After growing to maturity as a tanner's apprentice, he makes his first delivery to Paris, where he revels in the new odors. He focuses on a girl selling plums (Karoline Herfurth) and startles her with his behavior. To prevent her from crying out, he covers the girl's mouth and unintentionally suffocates her. After realizing that she is dead, he strips her body naked and smells her until the scent fades. Afterwards, Grenouille becomes haunted by the desire to recreate the girl's scent. After making a delivery to a perfume shop, Grenouille amazes the Italian owner, Giuseppe Baldini (Dustin Hoffman), with his ability to create fragrances. He revitalizes the perfumer's career with new formulas, demanding only that Baldini teach him how to convert scents into perfume. Baldini explains that all perfumes are harmonies of 12 individual scents, and may contain a theoretical 13th scent. He also tells a story about a perfume discovered in an Egyptian tomb that was so perfect that it caused everyone in the entire world to briefly believe they were in paradise the moment the bottle was opened. When Grenouille discovers that Baldini's method of distillation will not capture the scents of all objects, such as iron chains and dead animals, he becomes depressed. After receiving a letter of presentation written by Baldini, Grenouille leaves to learn a different method in Grasse. En route to Grasse, Grenouille realises that he has no scent of his own, and is therefore a cipher. He decides that creating the perfect smell will prove his worth. Upon arrival in Grasse, Grenouille catches the scent of Laura Richis (Rachel Hurd-Wood), daughter of the wealthy Antoine Richis (Alan Rickman) and decides that she will be his "13th scent", the linchpin of his perfect perfume. Grenouille finds a job in Grasse under Madame Arnulfi (Corinna Harfouch) and Dominique Druot (Paul Berrondo) assisting with perfumes and learns the method of enfleurage. He kills a lavender picker and attempts to extract her scent using the method of hot enfleurage, which fails. After this, he tries the method of cold enfleurage on a prostitute and successfully preserves the scent of the woman. Grenouille embarks on a killing spree, murdering beautiful young girls and capturing their scents. He dumps the women's naked corpses around the city, creating panic. After preserving the first 12 scents, Grenouille plans his attack on Laura. During a church sermon against him it is announced that a man has confessed to the murders. Richis remains unconvinced and flees the city with his daughter. Grenouille tracks her scent to a roadside inn and sneaks into her room that night. The next morning, Richis discovers Laura lying dead in her bed. Soldiers capture Grenouille moments after he finishes preparing his perfume. On the day of his execution, he applies a drop of the perfume over himself. The executioner and the crowd in attendance are speechless at the beauty of the perfume; they declare Grenouille innocent before falling into a massive orgy. Richis, still convinced of Grenouille's guilt, threatens him with his sword, before being overwhelmed by the scent and embracing Grenouille as his "son". Eventually, the town awakens and decides that the godly Grenouille could not have been the murderer. Druot is convicted for the murders and hanged, since it was his backyard where the clothes and hair of the victims were found. Walking out of Grasse unscathed, Grenouille has enough perfume to rule the world, but has discovered that it will not allow him to love or be loved like a normal person. Disenchanted by his aimless quest and tired of his life, he returns to Paris. Back in the city, Grenouille returns to the fish market where he was born and dumps the perfume on his head. Overcome by the scent and in the belief that Grenouille is an angel, the nearby crowd devours him. The next day, all that is left are his clothes and the open perfume bottle, from which one final drop of perfume falls.

TOPIC: the food that I like
TOPIC SENTENCE: the most food that I like is malay food
-       Because malay food is delicious
-       Easy to get all restaurant have it
-       Most I like is “rending ayam” especially cooked by Indian
I hope this kind of food still have forever, because malay food is tradition food. The taste is delicious I never forget it and I wish I want to learn how to cooked “rending ayam”

            The food that the most I like is malay food, because malay food is delicious. Besides it easy to get it because all restaurant have it, and also the taste the spices taste make my tongue burn remain me in childhood when my mother punish me, my mother ask me to eat the chili. Also the malay food is different from other food. Furthermore the ingredient is to simple not too complicated but the taste is to delicious. Besides not only malay food I like Chinese and Indian also I like. I hope this kind of fod still have until forever, because malay food is tradition food. The taste is delicious I never forget t and I wish I want to learn how to cooked “rending ayam”

TOPIC: exercise to keep fit
TOPIC SENTENCE: exercise is important to our life it can make our body fit
Make our body health
Far away from disease
Less cholesterol in our body make we feel better 
Conclusion we must exercise everyday if you want your body keep fit, besides we can avoid from get disease.
Exercise can keep our body fit and it important to our life. Beside it can make our body health if we always do exercise. Why a soccer player fit because they always exercise. Furthermore exercise can make we far away from disease, if we always do exercise it can avoid from flu and many more. Exercise can make cholesterol decrease in our body, if less cholesterol our body will feel better also it can avoid from diabetes. Why people always get diabetes because they lazy to exercise, they always think that the medicine can avoid disease but it is fake. Sometime medicine cannot help our body. Conclusion we must exercise everyday if you want your body fit and health, besides we can avoid from get disease.

Common Mistakes in Writing

Use of the wrong verb tense, at best, is irritating to read and reflects poorly on the student's writing skills. At worst, the reader can be confused as to what facts are already known and what was newly discovered in the actual study that is the subject of the paper. As a rule, use past tense to describe events that have happened. Such events include procedures that you have conducted and results that you observed. Use present tense to describe generally accepted facts.
Incomplete sentences, redundant phrases, obvious misspellings, and other symptoms of a hurriedly-written paper can cost you. Please start your work early enough so that you can proofread it. Check spelling of scientific names, names of people, names of compounds, etc. Spelling and grammatical errors can be embarrassing. Since many very different terms have similar names, a spelling error can result in a completely incorrect statement.
If you state facts or describe mechanisms, do so in order to make a point or to help interpret results, and do refer to the present study. If you find yourself writing everything you know about the subject, you are wasting your time (and that of your reader). Stick to the appropriate point, and include a reference to your source of background information if you feel that it is important.
The requirements for scientific proof are extremely rigorous. It is highly doubtful that any single experiment can be so well controlled that its conclusions can be regarded as proof. In fact, for any result to be accepted it must be confirmed independently. In fact, we can never know if a model as we describe it presents an accurate picture of any natural process. We can never look at the original blueprint to check our conclusions. So... your data may strongly support a position, or they may allow you to reject a hypothesis, but they aren't likely to provide anything close to proof.
Please avoid obvious grammatical errors. Granted, you aren't writing an English paper (heck, an English teacher would tear my own writing style to shreds). However, clear written communication requires proper sentence structure and use of words. Make sure that your sentences are complete, that they make sense when you proofread, and that you have verb/subject agreement.
Spelling errors in a paper make you look amateurish.
    Parts of a sentence should be joined in equal ways.

Dennis wants to become a lawyer, an alderman, and be able to write novels.
Dennis wants to become a lawyer, an alderman, and a novelist.
Misplaced Modifiers
ADJECTIVES modify nouns;  ADVERBS modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.

Driving around the corner, three churches appeared.
Driving around the corner, I saw three churches come into view.
Expletives are empty "filler" words that are inserted at a place in a sentence where the subject should go. If a sentence begins, "It is evident that..." the word "It" is an expletive marking the spot in the sentence where a subject should go but it doesn't actually convey any information. Expletives are wasted words. LOOK FOR: Any sentence (or phrase) that begins with "It is..." "There are..." etc. and fix the error by finding the real subject of the sentence and using it in place the empty words.

It is evident that we will not meet our goal.
We will not meet our goal.

    Nominalization is changing a verb into a noun. When you change a verb to a noun, you take the strength away from the sentence. For example, "to conclude" is a specific act but if you are "reaching a conclusion" you've eliminated the specific action and replaced it with an all-purpose verb. Instead of "concluding," the action becomes "reaching." LOOK FOR such words as: recognition, assumption, formation, protection, realization, destruction, decision, examination and correct the error by changing the word back to a verb that is assigned to a subject.

We reached the conclusion that...
We concluded that...
I am working on the assumption that...
I assume that...



  • Words used as the names of persons/ things/ places.
  • Note: The word thing includes all objects which we can SEE, HEAR, TASTE, TOUCH or SMELL. 
  • 4 types of nouns:
    • Common Nouns 
      • Ex: wallet, ball, table, chair, book, college, glass, girl, etc. 
    • Proper Nouns
      • Ex: Haikal, Britney, Klang, Astro, Petronas, Nokia, Gucci, etc.   
    • Collective Nouns
      • Ex: a school of fish, a herd of cows, a box of chocolates, a team of players etc.
    • Abstract Nouns
      • Ex: sad, plagiarism, cooperation, honesty etc.

  • Defined as a word which can be used instead of a noun.
  • We use pronouns very often, especially so that we do not have to keep on repeating a noun.
  • Words that take the place of nouns.
  • 3 levels:-
    • 1st person (I, We)
    • 2nd person (You)
    • 3rd person (He, She, It)
      • Ex: Johan is a boy. He studies in our school.

  • A word that describes or tells us more about a noun.
  • Gives some idea of what the noun is like.
  • Adjectives are said to qualify nouns.
    • Ex: Shana is a clever girl.
    • Manchester United displayed great team spirit. 

  • Occur at the center of the predicate.
  • The main part of a sentence.
  • May denote actions or states of being.
  • A verb is a doing word.
  • ex:  We saw the cricket match.
    • She runs as fast as Usain Bolt.
  • Provides information about the verb/adjective or another adverb.
  • Most adverbs end in ‘-ly’ but not all.
  • Generally there are 5 types:-
    • Adverb of Manner
      • These adverbs tell us how something is done.
        • ex: a) He worked systematically.
        • b) He plays tennis well
    • Adverb of Place
      • These adverbs tell us where the action takes place.
        • ex: a) The manager is there.
        • b) He is going abroad this year.
    • Adverb of Time
      • These adverbs tell us when the action takes place.
        • ex: a) He will be arriving tomorrow.
        • b) Negotiations have now begun.
    • Adverb of Degree
      • These adverbs tell us the degree to which the action takes place.
        • ex: a) I quite like her.
        • b) It is a very hot day.
    • Adverb Expressing Emphasis
      • These adverbs emphasizes the action taking place.
        • ex: a) The train is certainly going to be late.
        • b) You are absolutely right about this.

  • Express a relation between 2 entities; the prepositional complement and another part of the sentence.
  • “Pre-position” = placed before.
  • Used to indicate position, time, duration, location, etc.
  • Usually placed before a noun.
    • ex: a) The books are on the table.
    • b) The couple rested under the tree.

  • They are joining words.
  • They may link words, phrases, clauses or sentences.
  • Join two ideas.
    • ex: a) I like to read books and magazines.
    • b) He is my friend but your enemy.  

  • A word which expresses sudden feelings of joy, sorrow or surprise.
  •  Expressions which deal with emotions.
    • ex: a) Hooray! We won the match.
    • b) Alas! Her only son is dead.


Nowadays there had many water pollution happen in Malaysia, first is the thermal pollution which cause by human they always throw the rubbish so it make the water temperature decrease and cause the oxygen decrease. Next is chemical from factory also making the water pollution.  Because chemical had a many contaminant include organic substance which is acidity chemical waste and fuel. Last is pathogen, high level of pathogen can cause inadequately treated sewage discharge. For the conclusion water pollution cause by pathogens chemical substance and thermal pollution, we can reduce this by many way start to love our nature.


(In your own words, describe the stages of 'writing process'. Provide example of the topic sentences, supporting sentences & concluding sentences)

      Writing is very time consuming activity, because one needs to think while writing and before writing. The sequence of steps from which the writer has to go through while making an effective document is known as the writing process.Based on what I have found, The expert writers always go through the writing process for creating a unique and creative article where as the beginners used to skip many of the process, but is for sure that the writer can learn the process by practicing the steps. In my Blog I’m going to explain what each stage of the writing process involves, For example, planning, drafting, revising,editing,and publishing.The Planning stage is about some pieces of writing will require more planning than others. Typically, longer pieces and academic papers need a lot of thought at this stage.First, decide which ideas you’ll use. During your free writing and brainstorming, you’ll have come up with lots of thoughts. Some belong in this piece of writing: others can be kept for another time.The Drafting Stage is about writing ideas on a piece of paper without major attention to punctuation, grammar, or neatness. This particular stage is for us to focus on our ideas and get them on a paper without any fear of making mistakes in punctuation, grammar, or paragraph structure also to ask suggestions from others for any ideas then jot them down for future reference.The Revising stage is about the writers should revise the document because to find out the mistakes it is necessary for the writers to start with the fresh mind. It is better to hire the review to revise the document because they can easily find the mistakes honestly, the reviewer could be the instructor of the student, and friends.The editing stage is distinct from revision, and needs to be done after revising. Editing involves the close-up view of individual sentences and words. It needs to be done after you’ve made revisions on a big scale: or else you could agonize over a perfect sentence, only to end up cutting that whole paragraph from your piece.The final step of the writing process is the publishing stage. This means different things depending on the piece you’re working on.
A) Topic Sentences:
    1. There are many different ways of using eggs in cooking.
B) Supporting Sentences:
   2. They can be boiled lightly and eaten with toast.
   3. Hard boiled eggs are good for picnics, sandwiches or use in salads.
   4. Fried, poached and scrambled eggs are commonly eaten at breakfast,
        while an omelette provides a light and nourishing meal at any time.
   5. For an exotic touch, eggs can be curried or used in sauces such as
       mayonnaise and hollandaise sauce.
   6. To give lightness and substance, eggs are usually added to cakes and
C) Concluding Sentence:
    7. There are few foods that are as nourishing and versatile as eggs.
UFS211 Academic Reading and Writing

Process Writing
In your on words, describe the stages of 'Writing Process'.                                                                            


Writing is very time consuming activity, because one needs to think while writing and before writing. The sequence of steps from which the writer has to go through while making an effective document is known as the writing process.Based on what I have found, The expert writers always go through the writing process for creating a unique and creative article where as the beginners used to skip many of the process, but is for sure that the writer can learn the process by practicing the steps. In my Blog I’m going to explain what each stage of the writing process involves, For example, planning, drafting, revising, editing,and publishing.

The Planning stage is about some pieces of writing will require more planning than others. Typically, longer pieces and academic papers need a lot of thought at this stage.
First, decide which ideas you’ll use. During your free writing and brainstorming, you’ll have come up with lots of thoughts. Some belong in this piece of writing: others can be kept for another time.

The Drafting Stage is about writing ideas on a piece of paper without major attention to punctuation, grammar, or neatness. This particular stage is for us to focus on our ideas and get them on a paper without any fear of making mistakes in punctuation, grammar, or paragraph structure also to ask suggestions from others for any ideas then jot them down for future reference.

The Revising stage is about the writers should revise the document because to find out the mistakes it is necessary for the writers to start with the fresh mind. It is better to hire the review to revise the document because they can easily find the mistakes honestly, the reviewer could be the instructor of the student, and friends.

The editing stage is distinct from revision, and needs to be done after revising. Editing involves the close-up view of individual sentences and words. It needs to be done after you’ve made revisions on a big scale: or else you could agonize over a perfect sentence, only to end up cutting that whole paragraph from your piece.

The final step of the writing process is the publishing stage. This means different things depending on the piece you’re working on
UFS211 Academic and Writing English

Sentence Structure

2 Sentences of Simple Compound

        i.            The plumber and his mate are walking along the road.

      ii.            Either the pen or pencil is missing.

2 Sentences of Complex Sentence

        i.            After all of sudden coincidence, Hasnah found herself unconscious.

      ii.            “You cannot achieve success, unless you change attitude and start to give a hard effort in your study”. Said Paul to John.

2 Sentences of Compound Complex

        i.            As an older brother in his family, Afzal has to carry responsibility to take care and support his three sisters since his parents pass away.

      ii.            Christopher wants to become a successful singer when 27, but until then she must keep practising on controlling her voice.

Pre Writing

What is love to you?

Love? What is Love? This is one of the most difficult questions of mankind. I believe that each and every one has their own definition of love. I, on the other hand, defines love as a force of nature. Love is a constant journey, as I mentioned before, its a force of nature. Love exists the moment we were born till moment we give our final breath. Its a state of feeling that comes unexpectedly, of its own will, and its own timing. When people seek love, they expect it to be world of happy and perfect moments that they can only find in fairytales. I may not be in the best position to point out what is love to the significant other for I have been with no one but myself during my high school years, and seeing how blinded people are when they are in love is what keeps me out of the whole relationship thing. I tend to be pessimist about the whole love thing. I have to say that there are no such things as love like we have seen in movies and fairytales. Those are all tall tales. Whereas, movies nowadays are making us believe that we want that kind of love we seen on the media and get out and find it but all we really missed out is the love that we already have. It is making us believe in a lie that we already knew but ignored times and times, just to satisfy our beliefs. To most people, all they ever think about when it comes to love is the love that have for their significant other, and when they get disappointed, not only a few times but many times before, they tend to loose themselves. Who is to blame here? No one but ourselves. We make our own decisions; we make our own mistakes. People should learn to love themselves and what they already have before instead of giving it all to someone who they think is "The One." in the first place! If only they realize that there is more to love that just loving their couple – of how beautiful it is to love what they do, to love their pets, to love God etc. Love comes in many forms, not only to the significant other but to others, the mother nature, and its surrounding as well. Love is lending a helping hand to those in need, in moments of discouragements and disappointments. Love endures all things. Love is about trust. Love is about commitment. Love means believing and having faith in someone, in something. Love is God. Love is inherently compassionate and empathetic, and lots more. No matter who or what you love, its all the same. It can come in a form of your family, or a friend, your partners, your pet, your dreams – anything really. Love is one of the most powerful and beautiful thing in the world. We can never really know how love present itself that is why love is all over the place. Its in all of us and our surroundings whether or not we choose to see it, as God said Love all. Well, that is from my perspective; my point of view. I guess it is safe to say that each and every one of us have our own definition of love. No offense though.